Over 3 decades of existence...
33 years of quality service...
Green Asia Construction and Development Corporation:
Service Beyond Expectation!
October 14, 1981
October 1982
September 12, 1985
October 1985
August 29, 1990
August 25, 1992
1986 to Present
Founded by RENATO P. LEGASPI, Ph.D. in Business, a multi-awardee contractor, educator and businessman, as a single proprietorship business with an initial capital of Php 500,000.00 and 12 engineering and accounting personnel.
Upgraded PCAB license from category “C” to “B”
Incorporated and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines with an authorized capitalization of Php 10,000,000.00 and total assets of Php 100,000,000.00.
Upgraded license from category “B” to “A”
Granted “AA” license category by PCAB
Granted the highest and most prestigious license “AAA” by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board with Large “B” (no limit) classification works. Aggregate value of engineering contracts completed amounted to over 1,000,000,000.00 (One Billion Pesos) in span of 13 years with over 300 personnel employed.
Green Asia Construction and Development Corporation has diversified into a broad spectrum of engineering works like roads, bridges, drainage facilities, water supply and other civil works, ports and harbors, industrial estates, power plants, eco-tourism / recreational facilities, dams, mass housing /residential estates and other industries including joint-venture arrangements and collaboration with specialist technology companies and other international construction and finance companies to continuously enhance Green Asia’s own capabilities in delivering innovative quality solutions to construction.
Aggregate value of all completed projects amounts to around 5 Billion Pesos

Green Asia continues not only to build structures, bridges and edifices but also to build other people’s lives by providing people with opportunities to achieve their full potential towards self-fulfillment and self-realization in an environment of safety, security and comfort.

(T)+63 45 9615473 / +63 45 9617779